Travis Orbin - Periphery Playalongs - “Racecar“

Somehow, I relearned this epic in two days. The backing track is from the Bulb Soundclick, which is what I used to write my parts many years prior. You’ll hear ’artifacts’ of the drums on the original MP3 peeking through here and there. I used the same gear as the Ow/ANM/LE/NEM/Absolomb/Insomnia vids, so check them out for specifics. Rather than inundate everyone with notes--as there is obviously MUCH to digest here--I’m just gonna list some of my favorite little drum moments: 0:29 - 0:42 - this craziness, of course 2:52 - 3:12 - pedal hat orchestrations make this far more difficult 3:35, 3:41 - pattern variations 5:51 - 6:02 - love the driving feel of this section 7:02 - 7:37 - this is all highly challenging to play, but feels great 8:07 - 8:15 - SMASH 9:08 - ;) 10:25 - 8th quintuplet cymbal orchestration 10:45 - 10:55 - metric modulation with all former accents retained 11:22 - 11:54 - all this wackiness too 13:17 - 8th septuplet fill-in, with a
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