LIO ET JACKY. [ TETEOU ] (1984) HD. Vanda Maria Ribeiro Furtado Tavares de Vasconcelos was born on June 17, 1962 in Mangualde , Portugal. When her father was called up to serve in the Portuguese Army , the family moved to Mozambique . Her parents divorced and in 1968 Vanda moved with her mother and new stepfather to Brussels , Belgium , where her sister, actress Helena Noguerra , was born. In her teens she was determined to be a singer and she became a singer-songwriter Jacques Duvall (born Eric Verwilghem), a family friend. She took her stage name Lio from a character in the Barbarella comicsJean Claude Forest . In 1979, she and Duvall, along with songwriter Jay Alanski, began working with Marc Moulin and Dan Lacksman of the electronic trio Telex . “ Le Banana Split “, which sold more than 1 million copies, and “ Amoureux Solitaire “, a song originally by punk rock band Stinky Toys . Both songs went to number one on many pop charts in France, and Moulin and Lacksman also produced their self-titled first album. In 1982, American musical duo Ron and Russell Mael of Sparks collaborated with her on the album Suite sixtine, which translated some of her earlier songs into English. Suite Sixtine was compiled and directed by Ralph Alfonso for Attic Records Canada, where it was originally released. Their second album, Amour toujours , was produced by Alain Chamfort and released in 1983. That same year, she made her screen debut in Chantal Akerman’s film Golden Eighties, a light-hearted, humorous French pop - musical about the people who work together in a Paris shopping mall. Lio plays a carefree hairdresser in the film. In 1985 she met record company executive and producer Michel Esteban of ZE Records . She had continued hitting singles in Europe, including “Les brunes comptent pas pour des prunes“, and traveled to Los Angeles with Esteban to record her next album, Pop Model . Some of the tracks were co-produced by John Cale , formerly of the Velvet Underground , and the album produced the hits “Fallait pas beginner“, “Je casse tout ce que je touche“ and “Chauffeur“. In 1988, after having a daughter with Esteban gave birth, she resumed her acting career, starring in Claude Lelouch’sFilm Itineraire d’un enfant gâté. The Lio-Esteban partnership produced another album, Can can, which was recorded in Los Angeles and Rio de Janeiro . She also designed a fashion collection for the European department store chain Prisunic.
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