UFO “Disclosure“ Timeline Hidden in the Stimulus Bill
If you’ve seen the last few videos, you’ve noticed that so called disclosure is rapidly approaching. Along with it will be one of the greatest deceptions that will ever be placed on mankind. There is only one way that all the armies in the world will gather together for the battle of Armageddon against Jesus, and that’s if they believe they were being attacked by aliens from outer space. (And again to those Christians who say “why does flat earth matter?“ This... this right here is why it matters. Well... this and the millions of atheist who have died believing in the impossibilities of evolution... but I digress.) Not sure how much longer we will have to openly spread the truth, I would do what you can but most importantly seek a relationship with Jesus Christ. He is the only hope we have in this messed up world.
God Bless,
A Personal Message for the Globe Believing Christian