GERUNDS & INFINITIVES | WINNING is everything? OR TO WIN is everything?

gerunds | infinitives | English grammar | Let’s compare! WINNING is everything? OR TO WIN is everything? Hi Everyone, Today let’s compare gerunds and infinitives. Hopefully my lessons answers some of your biggest questions. THE 5 LISTS*: 1. VERBS FOLLOWED BY A GERUND: admit anticipate avoid can’t help consider deny feel like involve mention practice recommend resume risk suggest understand 2. VERBS FOLLOWED BY AN INFINITIVE agree ask decide deserve expect hope learn manage need threaten wait want volunteer offer plan promise refuse seem struggle 3. VERBS OBJECT INFINITIVE ask expect hire invite order remind require teach tell urge warn 4. VERBS GERUND / INFINITIVE - no change in meaning like love hate prefer begin can’t bear can’t stand continue propose start 5. verbs GERUND / INFINITIVE - big change in meaning remember forget try stop regret * These are not complete lists. These are the most common verbs. Do you want to learn more about GERUNDS? - https://y
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