Гарри Поттер. Симфонический оркестр

00:00 Intro 03:54 Hedwig’s Theme 08:42 Harry’s Wondrous World 13:25 Fawkes the Phoenix 16:46 The Chamber of Secrets 20:25 Dobby the House Elf 23:21 A Window to the Past 27:25 Double Trouble 28:50 Buckbeak’s Flight 30:48 The Quidditch World Cup 32:27 Hogwarts’ Hymn 35:08 Potter Waltz 37:05 Golden Egg 42:35 A Journey to Hogwarts 45:27 Fireworks 46:59 The Sirius Deception 49:15 Journey To The Cave 51:35 Dumbledore’s Farewell 53:47 Snape to Malfoy Manor 55:29 Sky Battle 59:06 Lily’s Theme 1:01:15 Battlefield 1:03:10 Statues 1:05:28 Courtyard Apocalypse 1:07:18 Neville the Hero 1:08:58 A New Beginning 1:10:27 Final 1:12:03 Fireworks 1:13:35 Outro
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