Fish expert Mike Cruz joins Epicurious to break down how he shops for fish. From texture and color to the correct fishy smell, Cruz shares his tips and tricks to make sure you pick the best seafood every time.
Director: Ian Stroud
Director of Photography: Luke Riffle
Editor: Charlotte Carpenter
Talent: Mike Cruz
Director of Culinary Production: Kelly Janke
Creative Producer: Debbie Wong
Culinary Producer: Jeannie Chen
Culinary Associate Producer: Biba Clark
Line Producer: Jen McGinity
Associate Producer: Jessica Kelleher
Production Manager: Janine Dispensa
Production Coordinator:
... Elizabeth Hymes
Camera Operator: Jake Robbins
Audio Engineer: Brett van Deusen
Production Assistant: Justine Ramirez
Staff Editorial Consultant: Ryan Harrington
Researcher: Vivian Jao
Post Production Supervisor: Andrea Farr
Post Production Coordinator: Scout Alter
Supervising Editor: Eduardo Araujo
Assistant Editor: Billy Ward
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