️ The escalation of the situation in the Middle East: highlights of the week June 14—20, 2024

️ The escalation of the situation in the Middle East: highlights of the week June 14—20, 2024 ▪️In the Red Sea region, attacks by Ansarallah militants on military and merchant ships continued unabated. The Houthis fired missiles at a US destroyer, CAPTAIN PARIS vessel and Happy Condor tanker, but they were not successful. ▪️U.S. naval forces also intercepted several Houthi drones in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden. Coalition forces shot down at least ten drones targeting civilian vessels during the week. ▪️In response to the Houthi attacks, the U.S. Air Force struck Kamaran Island, Al Hodeidah International Airport, and Al Jabin. Several traffic radar stations were hit during the Western Coalition airstrikes. ▪️Pro-Iranian proxies were also active, launching two drones on Haifa. The drones as usual did not reach their target, as evidenced by the absence of explosions and air defense operation in the area of the Israeli port. ▪️Meanwhile, the Israeli Air Force launched missiles at... Source: Rybar in English
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