Interview by Charg dAffaires a.i. of the Russian Mission to the EU Kirill Logvinov for Rossiya 24 TV channel, 18 June 2024

Interview by Chargé d’Affaires a.i. of the Russian Mission to the EU Kirill Logvinov for Rossiya 24 TV channel, 18 June 2024 SECOND TERM FOR URSULA VON DER LEYEN There were those among the leaders of the EU countries who sensibly suggested that they should first discuss the election results and their consequences for the EU, and then distribute the posts. And this is quite logical: after all, the worsening socio-economic situation, the failed migration policy and the strengthening of the far right in Europe on the results of the European Parliament elections are in one way or another a consequence of the EU course defined and implemented by Ursula von der Leyen. Both opponents and supporters of the candidate for the post of head of the European Commission are well aware that the current EU political system is built around the figure of Ursula von der Leyen, her own views and principles and those of her “geopolitical European Commission“. Today - and we can see it in the results o... Source: ?? Russian Mission to the EU ??
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