Military personnel of the communications unit of the Tula Airborne Forces provide command and control of troops

Military personnel of the communications unit of the Tula Airborne Forces provide command and control of troops Watch the combat training footage of communications units of the Tula formation of the Airborne Forces in the zone of a special military operation. During the special operation, military signalmen of the Airborne Forces accompany combat units along the entire front line. As part of operational groups, they are the first to move to new basing areas to organize the operation of data transmission channels and a command and control system. Communications and command and control systems are among the highest priority targets of enemy artillery and sabotage and reconnaissance groups. Station crews occupy areas that have been thoroughly checked in advance by intelligence and engineering units. Having arrived at a new location, the crews quickly set up the necessary equipment to provide commanders and troops with closed communication channels. In addition, to ensure the safety of... Source: Military Wave
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