The Russian National Guard conducted a comprehensive training on providing medical care

The Russian National Guard conducted a comprehensive training on providing medical care Tactical medicine classes were conducted with the personnel of the Russian Guard group in the Kherson and Zaporozhye regions. During the lesson, questions on providing medical care to military personnel and employees, evacuation by road and air transport were worked out. Particular attention is paid to providing first aid in extreme conditions. Additional training with National Guard members was held in the Lugansk People’s Republic. The main emphasis is on the use of hemostatic agents and the organization of evacuation of the wounded and injured. Military doctors of the Russian Guard not only save the wounded, but from the very beginning the special operation have been working with the local population - coming to the aid of people after shelling by the Armed Forces of Ukraine, organizing receptions for citizens with chronic diseases, and going to hard-to-reach areas to provide emergency assista... Source: Military Wave
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