Military personnel of the Central Military District went to the training grounds as part of the start of the summer training per

Military personnel of the Central Military District went to the training grounds as part of the start of the summer training period In the regions of the Volga region, Urals and Siberia, military personnel of the Central Military District went to training grounds as part of the beginning of the summer training period for the troops. Practical activities take place in Saratov, Samara, Ulyanovsk, Orenburg, Penza, Kemerovo, Kirov, Novosibirsk, Chelyabinsk regions, as well as in Udmurtia, Tatarstan and Bashkortostan. Artillery, missile, tank, motorized rifle, engineering and other units conduct tactical, fire and other types of combat training at the training grounds. Join Military Wave Source: Military Wave
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