While at SPIEF today, we ran into Larry Johnson, who highlighted some of the idiocy of US politics:

While at SPIEF today, we ran into Larry Johnson, who highlighted some of the idiocy of US politics: “Here you have the largest international economic event in the world, and I as a US citizen am a minority. It is a symbol both of the United States’ narcissism and arrogance that it refuses to acknowledge and participate and recognize the importance of this, because this attracts people from all over the world. This is one other symptom of the decline of the United States.“ “They talk about this being a dystopian police ’s the kind of place where a woman can walk around in St. Petersburg at night, at 11:30 pm, and not be terrified.“ [Personal note: the same applies to another Western-vilified country, Syria: since I began going to Syria in 2014, I heard a similar statement: in Syria prior to the (Western-instigated, funded, and whitewashed war on the Syrian people), women could travel alone from one part of the country to another, at night, without problems]. Source: Reality Theories, Eva K Bartlett
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