Nave Amerigo Vespucci Ship Tribute - Italian Training Ship launched on 1931

Nave Amerigo Vespucci is an Italian Training Ship launched on February 22, 1931. In 1962 while sailing the Mediterranean Sea, the American aircraft carrier USS Independence flashed the Amerigo Vespucci with the light signal asking: “Who are you?“ The full-rigged ship answered: “Training ship Amerigo Vespucci, Italian Navy.“ The Independence replied: “You are the most beautiful ship in the world.“ In 2022 the Amerigo Vespucci sailed by the American aircraft carrier USS George H.W. Bush, which saluted the ship and commented: “You are still, after 60 years, the most beautiful ship in the world. #AmerigoVespucci #MarinaMilitare #ItalianNavy #AmerigoVespucciShip #NaveAmerigoVespucci Music: A TENDER HEART - Brock Hewitt
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