Color temperature gels: OnSet ep. #278

Join Daniel Norton OnSet as he discusses the use and effect of color temperature gels on your images. In this tutorial, we Focus on full cuts of CTO (Color Temperature Orange) and CTB (Color Temperature Blue). With them, we explore how CT gels intersect with our camera’s white balance to create interesting effects. SUBSCRIBE AND BE PART OF THE ADORAMA FAMILY: ➥ __________________________________ ✘ PRODUCTS USED: Rosco Color Correction Filter Kit: Rosco 3407 CTO (Full) Single Sheet: Rosco Full CTB Single Sheet: Profoto A1: a1&sel=Item-Condition_New-Items Profoto A1 Soft B...ounce: ✘ PRODUCTION EQUIPMENT USED: Nikon Z50 with Nikkor Z DX 16-60mm: Rode Wireless Go Microphone: #colortemperature #colorgels #adorama __________________________________ ❐ LET’S GET SOCIAL ❏ ➥ Facebook ➥ Instagram ➥ Twitter ❐ MORE ADORAMA ❏ ➥ Podcast # ➥ Blog ➥ Shop __________________________________ Video referenced: Creative Color with Gels: OnSet ep. #268 - Be sure to follow Daniel Norton: __________________________________ THANKS SO MUCH FOR WATCHING!
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