DRAMA NOIR - Nightfall Upon the Asylum (Official video)

Band: Drama Noir Album: Nightfall Upon the Asylum Date: 2023 Genre: Symphonic Blackened Death Metal Country: Greece Label: Floga Records Song: Nightfall Upon the Asylum Filmed by Bob Katsionis and Alex Haritakis Edited by Bob Katsionis for Progressive Vision Group Masks and makeup by Dimitris Filios and 4M Studios Set painter: Christos Priftis Actors: Christina Tsakiris and Nefeli Halvatzidopoulou “Nightfall Upon the Asylum“ mixed and mastered by Psychon (Septicflesh) at SoundAbuse Productions Produced by Psychon and Mephisto Music by Vampyrpriest and Mephisto Lyrics by Apostolos Oroklos Drama Noir links: Drama Noir is: Tenevris - Vocals Mephisto - Guitars and Orchestrations Vampyrpriest - Guitars Peisithanatos - Bass Yngve - Drums #dramanoirband #nightfallupontheasylum #flogarecords #symphonicmetal #blackeneddeathmetal
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