How to cuddle a Lion! - Dean Schneider

Turn on the automized YouTube Subtitle in Your Language! My Mission is to inspire and educate people from around the world about the beauty and importance of the animal kingdom. I do this by creating and sharing educational and inspirational content on social moment we humans fall in love with someone we immediately want to protect them and definitely don’t want to harm them. This is why it is important to me that what i show and what I say is not being misinterpret or leads to a wrong way of love for animals and that is ultimately why we created this Video. People need to understand that living with wild animals in a natural wilderness area is not the same as visiting a peting zoo or getting yourself a wild animal as a pet. I dedicated my entire life and beeing in order to live a life amongst them, i risk my life, my time, my everything in order to fit into their world. This commitment and dedication results in the justification of me interacting physically and mentally with these be
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