Unity3d with AR Foundation - How to Use Body Tracking With Fire For Halloween?

Halloween is just around the corner and what a better time to use AR with Body Tracking technology to play with your friends. Today I provide you with a fully functional example where I also walk you through how easy is to add custom particle effects to our existing transparent skeleton, I also provide you with few demos in the beginning of the video from our previous video and towards the end two more demos showing the final results. Be sure to watch the entire video to make sure you don’t miss anything. The particle assets shown in this video can be freely downloaded from: *** Find the source code in Patreon and support me if you can even if it is with one of the lower tiers as it helps me in bringing you more content - THANK YOU *** Watch the skeleton cubes video below to ensure you don’t miss what I demonstrated previously as I use the results to build the scene shown i
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