RJ2 + Moshe Lang - Olam Chesed Yibaneh (Official Remix)
עולם חסד יבנה
EDM Remix of Olam Chesed Yibaneh
By RJ2 and Moshe Lang
Available now on all music services (Spotify, iTunes, Apple Music, Google Play, Amazon, etc)
Apple Music:
We are each created with unique souls that are infused with special talents from Hashem. Part of our purpose in this life is to tap into these powerful individual strengths to spread happiness and life to our brothers, sisters, friends, neighbors and acquaintances. Whether you’re a great listener, an organizer, manager, artist, musician, dancer, or just have an awesome smile, you have these specialized tools, that are yours and yours alone, at your disposal. Hashem created our entire world, from the largest planets to the smallest insects, with chesed. Olam Chesed Yibaneh! Let’s emulate our creator by spreading chesed and happiness with each of our special neshamot.
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