Sabo & Goldcap Desert Sunrise 2020

For the last 5 years at Burning Man, Goldcap and I have played together for an extended sunrise set. It something we look forward to all year long, and something we absolutely love to share with the BM community. Despite several requests to join the digital Multiverse this year, as our regularly scheduled week in the dust was postponed, we both decided to step aside. For us, the magical feeling of connecting with so many friends and loved ones in physical form was just too valuable to replace with a pixelated version. So in true renegade style we packed up 3 generators, some torches, and a small sound system and drove 4 hours out into a barren desert landscape. We were completely cut off from society, and played our hearts out for 4 hours, until literally all but one camera over heated, and we closed the session. This 24 hour mini burn was needed for both us, having not played together in almost 6 months. Stay safe out there, and hopefully we will meet in the dust at Black Rock City again soon
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