Harry Potter and The Methods of Rationality: Part 1 (Chapers 1-21)
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Chapter 1: @0:00:00 “A Day of Very Low Probability“: Harry receives his Hogwarts acceptance letter and experiments with magic for the first time by attempting to send a letter to Hogwarts without an owl.
Chapter 2: @16:02 “Everything I Believe Is False“: Professor McGonagall visits the Verres-Evans household to prove the existence of magic, which drastically challenges Harry’s worldview and understanding of physics.
Chapter 3: @26:16 “Comparing Reality To Its Alternatives“: Harry and Professor McGonagall visit the Leaky Cauldron and Diagon Alley, where Harry learns about the tragic history of his birth parents, Lily and James Potter.
Chapter 4: @38:38 “The Efficient Market Hypothesis“: At Gringotts, Harry discovers the vast wealth he’s inherited and questions the stability of the wizarding economy.
Chapter 5: @49:52 “The Fundamental Attribution Error“ In this chapter, Harry meets Draco and Lucius Malfoy for the first time.
Chapter 6: @1:11:18 “The Planning Fallacy“ Minerva McGonagall and Harry go shopping for his school things in Diagon Alley. He discovers more information about Voldemort from her, all while purposefully buying things he might need in case of emergency.
Chapter 7: @2:14:21 “Reciprocation“ In this chapter, Harry and Draco become friends.
Chapter 8: @3:23:32 “Positive Bias“ In this chapter, Harry meets Hermione for the first time, and enlists her services in his research.
Chapter 9: @3:58:40 “Title Redacted, Part I“ The students arrive at Hogwarts for the Sorting. Teachers and other first year students are introduced by name and house. Harry puts the hat on his head and we end on a cliffhanger with his house unnamed.
Chapter 10: @4:14:18 “Self Awareness, Part II“ Self awareness is the subjective experience of being aware of oneself, and being capable of introspection. In this chapter, it refers to the Sorting Hat’s first experience of the phenomena, due to Harry’s inquiries about its consciousness combined with its ability to see into his mind causing a kind of self-reflection.
Chapter 11: @4:35:14 “Chapter 11: Omake Files 1, 2, 3“
Chapter 12: @4:35:19 “Impulse Control“ After Harry is sorted, he is accosted for answers at the Ravenclaw table. He contemplates his potential future as a Dark Lord, and experiments with Comed-Tea during Dumbledore’s speech.
Chapter 13: @4:58:06 “Asking the Wrong Questions“
Chapter 14: @5:36:43 “The Unknown and the Unknowable“
Chapter 15: @6:04:26 “Conscientiousness“ In this case, it refers to Harry’s disappointment in the fact that he does not have exceptional natural magical ability, and will in fact have to work hard to compete with Hermione and excell at magic.
Chapter 16: @6:25:32 “Lateral Thinking“
Chapter 17: @7:01:46 “Locating the Hypothesis“ Refering to Dumbledore’s hypothesis that Harry’s father’s rock is important, when there is no evidence for that to be the case and has a very low prior probability of being true.
Chapter 18: @8:19:33 “Dominance Hierarchies“
Chapter 19: @9:14:06 “Delayed Gratification“ Harry accepting other people taking dominance over him, to gain additional power and success in the long-term.
Chapter 20: @10:01:15 “Bayes’s Theorem“
Chapter 21: @10:37:11 “Rationalization“
Chapter 22: @11:14:05 “The Scientific Method“
HPMOR or Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality was written by Eliezer Yudkowsky and narrated by Eneasz Brodsky.
#hpmor #eliezer #yudkowsky #aitozombies #ai
The playlist for all audio is here:
Visit to get the story in other formats. The audio version is not only to be found on YouTube but also on and on iTunes.
If you like this story you might also like the short story Three Worlds Collide, which is written by the same author.
You may also like Eliezer’s free non-fiction book “Rationality: From AI to Zombies”, which is about how to think better, and contains a lot of insight: That book also has an audio version on YouTube:
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