BUTTER // Lee Dam

hi, it’s been a while, everyone good? I’ve been out of youtube for months, I just couldn’t finish anything and always stuck in the middle of my projects, so yhee.... well ... until amino came and gave me sort of motivation to finish my edits. The staff organized an Olympic, there were 63 communities competing in various categories (games, edits, design, drawing etc.) it was odd but fun. ◇ Category: Fancam [W1] [17/O7/2021 | 18/07/2021] Classification: 1st place (In this category we had 48H to edit a fancam with the music chosen by the staff, (till today, I have no idea what criteria were used to evaluate)) ◇ Drama: My Roommate is a Gumiho ◇ Character: Lee Dam Indication time : Dear Portuguese speaker/reader. Já se sentiu sozinho, sem ninguém para falar do seu drama favorito ? Tenho uma solução “Vida de dorameiro“ VD é uma das comunidade do Amino com pessoinhas maravilhosas.
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