How To Make Peyote Pendant/Bugle Beads Mat Pendant Tutorial/Lamina Pendant/Beaded Weaving Pendant.

#beadedpeyotependanttutorial #buglebeadsmatpendantmaking #pinisettypearlcrafts in this video ,iam showing beaded peyote pendant easy making .simple method natural coin pearl : 10mm ( 1 ) bugle or pipe beads ; 6mm ( both colors ) rondelle : 5mm ( 1 ) glass seed beads; 15/0 beading thread length ; 250 cm for black color plate for gold color plate 200cm for pearl pendant 50cm mettle chain 3 jump rings 4mm clasp of your choice 1 beading needle no 10 beading thread nylon fishing line thank you for watching my video. if you like my video , please don t forget to subscribe ,like and share . PLEASE ENCOURAGE TALENT. ************************************************************ stay tuned with us for more quality DIY real pearl craft videos. if you have any suggestion or feedback regarding the video , let it share in a comment, your response is valuable to us and always appreciated. if anyone edit video or take pictures of video you will violate copyrights. *******************************************
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