Flamming Cliffs 1.2 Mig 29 mit Ricardo’s Lock On HD Cockpit Mod

Flamming Cliffs 1.2 Mig 29 mit Ricardo’s Lock On HD Cockpit Mod “ A new set of high res Cockpits for Lock On have been released by Ricardo, It includes high definition pits textures for these Russian fighters : the Su-27, Su-33, MiG-29s, MiG-29A and Su-25T. “this is the first version of this mod. It includes high definition pits textures for russian planes. The 27, 33, 29s, 29a and 25T. this mod is the export version, it means that most of the active butons are in english and the non active are in russian. The quality of textures gives a totaly new experience in flight specialy if you have a trackir that alows you to zoom on instruments. To see most of the changes edit your config/view/serverlua with wider angles : -- Camera angle limits {horizontal angle max, vertical angle min, vertical angle max} CameraAngleLimits = {} CameraAngleLimits[] = {170.0, -85.0, 90.0} CameraAngleLimits[
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