Kim Feel on JukJae Night Studio / PLAYLIST /김필 적재 야간합주실
~Bright songs and healing voice ~
#김필 #적재 #야간작업실 #야간합주실 #KimFeel #JukJae #NightStudio #NightEnsemble
List of songs and sources:
1. 00:01 #Girl #소녀 ( #LeeMoonSe #이문세 cover) live
2. 01:57 #Sleeplessness #불면 ( #김필 #KimFeel ) live
3. 06:53 #OldLove #옛사랑 (#LeeMoonSe #이문세 cover) live
4. 08:50 #LovePoem ( #IU #아이유 cover) live
5. 11:27 #JustTheTwoOfUs (#BillWithers cover) live
6. 16:18 #SomedayTheBoy #그때그아인 ( #ItaevonClass #이태원클라쓰 OST ) live
7. 18:22 #Youth #청춘 (#Reply1988 #응답하라1988 OST) live
8. 20:29 #Pierrot #광대 ( #김필 #KimFeel ) live
9. 23:49 #Monster #괴수 (#김필 #KimFeel ) live
10. 28:25 #MyRefectionInMyHeart #내마음에비친내모습 (#MyM