THE CODEX MANESSE - Browsing Facsimile Editions (4K / UHD)

Do you like this #Facsimile? Then contact us under contact@ or visit our homepage: One of the most important manuscripts of the entire Middle Ages is housed today in the Heidelberg University Library: the so-called #Codex Manesse, also known as the Great Heidelberg Book of Songs. An unbelievable ownership history entwines itself around the #manuscript, which arose in Zurich between 1300 and 1340. The codex contains 6,000 strophes of Middle High German lyrics from 140 poets along with the “most comprehensive collection of High Middle German song and spoken poetry”. The poems, songs, and sayings revolve around the primary theme of courtly love. These attestations of medieval lyric are wonderfully illustrated with 137 lovely full-page miniatures. As a result, the Codex Manesse is not only a true treasure of German literature and medieval history, but also and in particular of Gothic book painting. You can find this and many other
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