Tomba! 2 100% Walkthrough, Pt. 21

Part twenty-one of the 100% walkthrough. I complete every event, even the extra unlockables. I also get all the Pots of Life for the maximum vitality. Missions completed in this video: Holy Tree Taboo Fruit Starving Traveler Forgotten Rucksack Secret of the Aquatic Plant 100-Year-Old Man Wake Up the Giant Fish! Missions contributed to in this video: Fatigue-Curing Spa Unmoving Blessed Priest Items collected in this video: Rucksack Taboo Fruit Mermaid Bucket 100-Year Amulet Old Man’s Proof Items used in this video: Holy Water Bucket Large Lunch Box Rucksack Mystery Mushroom x 2 100-Year Amulet Normal Fruit Taboo Fruit Mermaid’s Harp
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