AMAZING GIRLY TRICKS TO IMPROVE YOUR BEAUTY ROUTINE To remove knots for your hair, don’t comb them through, this will damage the hair strands. Instead, fill a bowl with look-warm water and add a ton of conditioner inside. It will moisturize your hair and then it will be easier to detangle them. If you want to cover your tattoos, don’t use liquid concealer, use a corrector instead. It’s creamier and will cover your tattoo easier. I also show you how different types of lashes look on you. This is great if you are going to an event and you aren’t sure what lashes to put on and how they would look on you. When it comes to foundation it’s better to blend it out with all sorts of materials. Beauty blenders are ideas for you under the eyes and your forehead, while makeup brushes are great if you tap them on your skin to achieve a kind of glass-glowy finish look. Each brush has a different effect so it’s great if you experiment with all of them. Especially, if you are a beginner makeup artist
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