Insurance is easy to get in but hard to get out

Insurance is easy to get in but hard to get out! Maybe you have experienced buying clothes or shoes from online shopping (online shop), then when you want to wear them at home, it turns out that the clothes or shoes do not match the size of your body or feet. Or sometimes the color ordered does not match the picture in the online shop window. If you want to return or exchange it, it’s certainly not easy. Likewise with buying an insurance policy. It’s possible that you didn’t really care when you bought it, because the person offering it was your family member or close friend. You don’t really want to buy, but because it continues to be offered incessantly like when someone is on vacation, rather than being bothered by all the whining and persuasion, you agree to it, without understanding what you are buying and paying for. You think after purchasing the policy and paying the premium, you are safe. You might also think, if buying an insurance policy is so easy, then of course filin
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