Insurance is managing risk

Insurance is managing risk In Law Number 2 of 1992 concerning Company Insurance Businesses, it is stated that the types of insurance businesses consist of insurance businesses and businesses supporting insurance businesses. The insurance business consists of loss insurance business, life insurance business, and reinsurance business. Insurance is actually a means of managing risk. Human life is uncertain, and every moment risks lurk and overshadow us. Wherever you are, at any time, there are risks. Risk is like a shadow of ourselves. Risk can be managed by recognizing all personal risks. Risk management steps: 1. Make a risk list or listing. 2. Analyze starting from the one with the biggest impact, to the smallest. 3. Look at your own economic capabilities and decide how to manage them, in other words: avoid - reduce - retain - transfer. 4. Implementing and monitoring. 5. Review and adjust regularly. Insurance is a risk management tool by means or scheme, transferring or transf
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