Russia Strikes Zelensky’s Office? | German Consulate Destroyed in Kyiv | Russia Bombs Ukraine Cities

President Vladimir Putin has appointed General Sergey Surovikin to lead the war effort in Ukraine. The Russian general who is now in charge of the war in Ukraine has been accused of overseeing a brutal bombardment that destroyed much of the city of Aleppo in Syria. That is indicative of the fact that Russia wants to change its strategy in Ukraine, which is why it has roped in a general who believes in the strategy of carpet-bombing enemy territory to achieve military objectives. A glimpse of Russia’s changed strategy was seen on Monday as cruise missiles and rockets pounded almost all Ukrainian cities indiscriminately, leading to extensive damage. Even the Western cities of Lviv and was not spared, and its critical infrastructure was knocked out, leading to power outages. Do you think Russia is going all-in now? Watch to know more #vladimir #putin #general #sergey #surovikin #russian #general #war #ukraine #bombardment #aleppo #syria #carpetbombing #military #volodymyr #zelensky #office #kyiv #missile
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