Heresy Made Easy! How to paint Primarchs: Angron

#horusheresy #warhammer #mediocrehobbies Hey guys! Welcome back to Heresy Made Easy! A lot of people are excited about the new Horus Heresy release soon, but not so excited about painting Primarchs! Primarchs are an expensive investment from Forgeworld, and can be quite intimating to tackle, but so worth it when you hold a finished one in your hands! My channel is here to make things easier for you as always so let’s see how I paint Angron, Primarch of the World Eaters. I chose Sons of Horus for the poor guys on the base, and used my now traditional Martian basing scheme, but I didn’t show these parts in this video as it’s up to you what to choose. If you imagine Angron tearing through any other Legion space marines, or want to paint him as he is often depicted, tearing through his own World Eaters men in a rage to get to the front of battle, check out the rest of my Heresy Made Easy playlist where eventually every Legion will be covered!
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