If Ed Sheeran’s “Shape of You“ were a Christian song by Beckah Shae (LYRICS)
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(Shape of You - Beckah Shae’s Way)
▼ Lyrics :
Shape of You (I Worship You)
The club isn’t the best place to find a lover
So to you, is where I go
Me and my naked heart
In Your presence getting wrecked
Drinking fast until I overflow
You come over and start up a conversation with just me
And I trust you, cause you understand
Then you take my hand, woh!
You sweep me away in your peace
And then we start to dance
And I’m singing like
Lord you know I love your love
Your love’s amazing, to choose somebody like me
And now I’ma follow Your lead
If they think I’m crazy, I don’t care
I’ll say hey, I can’t say enough
How you laid down Your life, so we could be free
So now I’ma follow Your lead
2 months ago 00:02:52 1
셀퍼럴 비트코인 시황 분석 및 선물거래소 수수료 최대 환급 할인 요율 정리
2 months ago 00:02:51 1
셀퍼럴 비트코인 선물거래소 공식파트너 최고 요율로 등록하는 방법 2025 최신. 비트겟 바이비트 OKX 빙엑스 탭비트 바이낸스 셀퍼럴
2 months ago 00:12:04 1
hand embroidery super easy heart shape petal color layering beautiful flower design