Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W OctoPi 3D Printer Control

OctoPrint 3D printer control and monitoring software installed and tested on a Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W, demonstrated with a Monoprice Mini Select V2 3D printer. You can learn more about Octoprint / Octopi on its website here: You can download my 3D printed Pi Zero and camera mount from Thingiverse here: :5207318 My previous video about the Monoprice Mini Select V2 3D printer is here: And my review of the Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W is here: MONOPRICE / MAYLAN PRINTERS If, like me, you have an Monoprice or Maylan printer, you will need to install a plugin in OctoPi to connect the printer. This can be obtained from: To install the plug-in, select and copy the code on the right of the above page in the box labeled “URL”. Then, in the OctoPrint web interface, go to “Settings“ (click the spanner icon top right), an
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