How I working at war time

AlfFisher channel This is short video about my working at war time in Ukraine Financial support to Ukraine Or bank transfer Beneficiary Customer — Name The Ministry of Defence of Ukraine, 6, Povitroflotskiy Pr., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03168 IBAN UA963223130000025307010029738 * Currency of Bank Account, only US dollars; Euro; British Pound sterling; Swiss francs; Canadian dollars; Polish zloty; Czech crowns; Russian roubles; Australian dollars. Bank Name: JOINT STOCK COMPANY «THE STATE EXPORT-IMPORT BANK OF UKRAINE» Bank Address: 127, Antonovycha Str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03150 Bank SWIFT Number EXBSUAUX Setting of payment (Obligatory Remittance Information): Donation for the logistic and medical support of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (UA458201720313281002302018611) My online store Support me with Channel memberships My channel ( metalworking, tips, craft, DIY and fun ) Support this channel on Patreon Tracklist: Cooper Cannell For We Are Many #bruns #engineerbruns
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