LIVE News | Patriots for Europe Declare War on EU and Brussels Bureaucrats | Times Now World LIVE

Three prominent European leaders announced the formation of a new political alliance, “Patriots for Europe,“ aimed at fundamentally reshaping European politics. The alliance includes Herbert Kickl, President of the Austrian Freedom Party (FPÖ), Viktor Orbán, Prime Minister of Hungary and leader of the Fidesz Party, and Andrej Babiš, former Prime Minister of the Czech Republic and President of the ANO Party. Kicking off the event, Herbert Kickl, described the day as “historic“ and marked it as the beginning of a new era in European politics. “Today we enter what I would call the era of freedom, sovereignty, peace, prosperity, and values,“ Kickl proclaimed, highlighting the Freedom Party’s growth and influence in recent European elections.#tnworld #live #orban #viktororban #europe #eu #brussels #timesnowworld #worldnews #internationalnews #timesnews #newsworld ​Subscribe now: Times Now World is your definitive sou
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