Jack Charman “Who Were You With Last Night?“ British music hall classic LYRICS HERE London singer

Jack Charman sings “Who Were You With Last Night?“ JOHN BULL RECORD B 138 Song by Fred Godfrey & Mark Sheridan 1912 In an office up the west, Obadiah, smartly dressed, Wandered in one Friday morn, In a brand new fancy vest. His pals all rose and said, “My word, you’re a naughty, naughty boy. Last night we saw you making eyes At a nice little lump of joy. You kissed her twice, On the same place twice, And gave her waist a squeeze, So we’d like you to inform us, Mister Obadiah, please.“ “Who were you with last night? Who were you with last night? It wasn’t your sister, It wasn’t your ma, Ah ah, ah ah, Ah ah ah ah! Who were you with last night, Out in the pale moonlight? Are you going to tell your missus, When you get home, Who you were with last night?“ Like a rosy apple red, Obadiah blushed and said, “You’re mistaken, boys, because
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