After a strange encounter an actor had in the dressing room after the rehearsals had finished, Gage check out the area. McCall and Gage soon find that the telephone cords have been cut and the exit has been wired up to a bomb. The stage manger reveals that the janitor will arrive in an hours time, where he will walk through that door. McCall and Gage begin to plan.
Taken From Season 3 Episode 10: The Rehearsal
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This is the channel of the 80s Television Series starring Edward Woodward, as Robert McCall. Arguably one of the best crime shows of it’s time; a retired, skilled government body with many years of experience, lends a service to help desperate people with nowhere else to turn. A show that touched many people with it’s premise, and for years kept people gripped with it’s brutal stories, interesting character development and well-rounded writing.