I’m so happy to be able to groom such an adorable kitten ! 😻🛁✂️❤️

#persiancat #cathaircut #catgrooming Here in Brazil, where Tosa Bebe pet shop is located, summer is coming. The summer here is so hot that almost all the dogs and cats come to get groomed at this time, even the Lebron came to get his hair cut. Isn´t she so lovely? Cats, beautiful by nature !!! So, why groom? 😍 Sometimes brushing is not enough and the cat does not always collaborate, after all we are talking about cats! Free by nature !!! Although they have their ritual of cleaning through licking, this is not always enough, they will soon have hair ball vomiting, right? So every now and then we need to give them a little help, this is where the grooming comes in, complete or just hygienic, super important for the health of these beauty! And as we are talking about cats, temperamental beings and that can get stressed when they are away from home, it is super cool that you have a PET SHOP where there is a space just for them, away from dogs and with traine
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