Glitchtale - Ascended (#4 Ascension) EXTENDED VERSION | by amella

Discord: Alright... “why did it take so long for the next parts? Where is ETERNAL REST? (#3)“ So, here’s the thing: I made all extended version on the same project. When I was about to do the last adjustments, I couldn’t open up the file.. apparently my file got corrupted for some reason, and all extended version were on that project (Press F in the chat, man). I basically had to take the normal song “Ascended“ and remake the extended parts for ETERNAL REST (#3) and the other parts (#4 and #5). I gotta admit, I really lost my mojo, since many hours of work were gone. I wasn’t really happy... with my new iteration of ETERNAL REST, so I skipped it for now.. I did my best to recreate ASCENSION (#4). It’s honestly not as great as my first iteration, but I genuinely hope you all still like it! ////////////////////////////////////// My Glitchtale songs are based on a series made by Camila. Artworks were provi
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