How to cut a PERFECT circle in Metal #shorts

This is a quick video how to cut a perfect circle in metal! I am using the malco HC1. You can purchase it here!! It’s a great tool to Have in your arsenal. You never know when you need to cut a perfect circle in metal!! Malco hc1 This would be great as shown in the video prepping a hole in a ceiling for a can light! Also perfect for duct work and even used with drop ceiling tiles. Top Tool List Looking for good hearing protection on site or at home that also doubles as your radio, allows you to take phone calls, and has noise reduction? Check out ISOtunes! I’ve been wearing them for over a year and they’ve greatly helped reduce the ringing in my ears at night! Use my Code to save!! RRB10 Purchase Building Plans Here If you’d like to support RRBuildings, below are various way
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