Europe Shocked! China Snatches $45 Billion In Orders | Danish Technology Will Be Replaced By China!

#china #project #denmark #eu #europe #saudi #energy It is no exaggeration to say that Denmark is the undisputed leader in wind power. For example, Denmark is the hometown of wind power generation, and the world’s first wind turbine was born here. In addition, Denmark occupies five seats among the top ten wind turbine manufacturers in the world. More importantly, more than 60% of the world’s fan manufacturers use Danish technology. However, in recent years, Denmark has successively canceled several offshore wind power projects, and orders worth more than US$30 billion have been forced to change suppliers. Surprisingly, all the orders that Denmark lost were taken over by China, and China also won a $45 billion wind power order from Saudi Arabia in the Danish field. It is worth mentioning that, compared with Denmark’s long history in the field of wind power generation, the development of China’s wind power industry is less than 40 years old. So, how did China win these huge orders in the Danish field?
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