Cyclone is OP, but let’s nerf Molten Strike ! (Rebuke + Avatar of Fire) Full-Unique (Patron Request)

Hey guys, here’s a request from one of our patrons : - Weapon : Rebuke of the Vaal - Budget : Full-Unique So after brainstorming a little, the urge of playing molten strike suddenly came~ so i test it out and , it works ! *Anyone still remember the glorious days of Molten Strike? :( *Will be testing out two builds with Rebuke of the Vaal : 1. Molten Strike 2. Reave (Coming soon) // Build Overview // Budget used : Around 20-30ex (Only thing expensive is Bottled Faith & 6L Carcass, which is unnecessary) *U may replace Bottled Faith with Diamond Flask (Similar DPS) or Defensive Flask 【Disclaimer】Full-Unique challenges are just purely for entertainment and work as a build inspiration, do not blindly follow & expect it to be “end-game viable“, as the build itself will be glass canon since we don’t have any decent def (rare gear) Clearpseed : 7/10 Bossing : 6/10 (Due to full-unique and a little “meme“ with rebuke) Tankiness : 5/10 (Def : Phase Acro “instant“ leech *possibly get one-s
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