Giant Magnet for the World’s Largest Fusion Reactor | Mega Transports | FD Engineering

Giant Magnet for the World’s Largest Nuclear Fusion Reactor | Mega Transports | FD Engineering Mega Transports - Complete Season 1: Mega Transports - Complete Season 2: A wide load transport for one of the most important science projects of our time. The largest nuclear fusion reactor in the world is being built in the south of France: Iter. The objective: being able to supply unlimited, clean energy to mankind. Perhaps the most important component is a gigantic magnet, strong enough to lift an entire container ship. The nine-meter-wide and three-hundred-ton part magnet is heading to France via cargo ship from all corners of the world. The final and trickiest stage happens at the seaport of Sur les Fos near Marseille to the Iter construction site in Provence. During this 130 kilometer stage of travel, the team has to cross a lake, pass through sixteen villages and blast their way through a mass of ro
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