REFRAKTOR - gimmickless rubik’s cube project by Kev G & Collin Claus
The Rubik’s cube project you’ve been waiting for... perform amazing magic with just an ordinary cube. Exclusively available from
The 446 mix enables you to display one side of a rubik’s cube solved to any colour named, it’s a completely free choice! The best part is that you only need to learn ONE algorithm. It’s the same algorithm to get in and out of the mix... REVOLUTIONARY!
Learn Kev’s preferred stack as taught on Cube Cards using Takamiz Usui’s famous 2112 mix. This versatile method was a game changer for Rubik’s cube magic.
An evolution of the one handed solve Kev contributed to Fredrik Höjman’s ’Squeeze’. The G-Force solve is more practical, angle proof and sure fire. This can now be done row by row or as an instant solve of all sides of the cube.
The DT (double take) colour solve is done on the offbeat. After showing a mixed cube all over the cube one side of the cube miraculously solves.
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