Nicola Porpora - Polifemo “Alto Giove“ Philippe Jaroussky
Nicola Porpora
Polifemo “Alto Giove“
Aci’s aria from the act III, sc. 5
Text: Paolo Rolli
Forces: Soprano, strings & continuo
In part from the website ’Cantata Editions’ ():
’’The aria made famous through the film ’Farinelli: il castrato’ Beautiful and virtuosic, it concerns Acis thanking Jupiter for making him immortal.
In two sections, the beautiful lento with its slowly moving harmony and sinuous vocal line, and an unexpected andantino middle section.“
Philippe Jarroussky is only singing the lento part.
In this recording:
Philippe Jaroussky, countertenor
Australian Brandenburg Orchestra
Paul Dyer, harpsichord/director
(Recorded live in the City Recital Hall, Angel Place, Sydney, July 2007)
Original Text:
Alto Giove, è tua grazia,
è tuo vanto il gran dono
di vita immortale
che il tuo cenno sovrano mi fa.
Translation (by Marc D.):
Almighty Jupiter, your grace
and your fame are the great gift
of immortality
that you give me in a sovereign gesture.
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