Learning Languages Through Video Games?

Is this a viable method? list of words in my description limpid = Limpida murky = torbida riverbed = letto del fiume riverbank = riva del fiume moss = muschio foggy = nebbioso (fitto) misty = nebbioso (leggero) assess = valutare/stimare opalescent = opalesente to subdue = soffocare/reprimere Winding = serpeggiante cobbled streets = strade acciottolate/lastricate storm = tempesta gale = tormenta (vento) blizzard = bufera di neve roofing = tetto thatch = tetto di paglia ivy = edera picket fence = staccionata watermill = mulino ad acqua timber = legname (tagliato) log = tronco/ciocco split = tagliare (la legna) luxuriant = lussureggiante bark = corteccia branch = ramo livestock = bestiame trough = mangiatoia/abbeveratoio manger = mangiatoia quaint = pittoresco damp = umido Fog vs Mist Fog and mist are both created by water droplets, differing only in their overall locations and density. Fog is a cloud that reaches ground level, even if that “ground“ is a hill or mountaintop. Mist forms wherever water droplets are suspended in the air by temperature inversion, volcanic activity, or changes in humidity. Fog is denser than mist and tends to last longer. In terms of visibility, fog reduces it to less than one kilometer (0.6 miles), while mist can reduce visibility to between 1 and 2 kilometers (0.6 - 1.2 miles). Follow me on my social networks: Royalty free music by Epidemic Sound: intro ES_Knights Templar 1 - Johannes Bornlöf intro 2 ES_Medieval Adventure 01 - Johannes Bornlöf outro ES_Knights Templar 2 - Johannes Bornlöf
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