1476 - Jade Fire: A Paragon [Official Music Video]

► Filmed and Directed by Robb Kavjian with assistance from Jay Mayo and Jennifer Kavjian. “’Jade Fire: A Paragon’ is one of the songs I’m most emotionally connected to on the album. I’ve never felt like I belonged in this world and that’s something I’ve wrestled with my entire life. This song is about letting go of that struggle and embracing my individualism—finding peace in it by going deeper into it instead of making it a source of anxiety and loneliness. Choosing the wilderness instead of the world. A self-imposed exile. This was very much inspired by parts of Arthurian Legend. We shot the video on film with a Super 8 camera, because I love the look of film and wanted to do it in an authentic way. As with many aspects of ’In Exile’, this choice was a way of separating ourselves from the modern world and embracing our outsider qualities instead of compromising them.“ Robb Kavjian Stay connected with Pro
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