Finishing Drill: Full Court Passing Layups | Warm-up Basketball Drills

This finishing and passing drill is best suited as a warm-up to get everyone loose and ready for practice. As the drill progresses your players should pick up the pace and intensity. Keys to success: Players should focus on accurate, quick passing and proper footwork when completing their lay-ups. Elapsed Time: Run the drill until each player has been the Shooter two times (four layups). Leave a comment and let me know if there’s anything you see that could help other coaches. View on our website: Need more drills like this? Join The Huddle, our Coaching Program to help you build better players, maximize your limited gym time and connect with experienced coaches. Get access to: - 100s of set plays for all situations and skill levels. - Practice drills to add energy to your practices. - Practice plans for all ages. - Worksheets to help with the non-basketball related stuff (i.e
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