Night Krasnodar. Walks in the capital of the South of Russia | Ночной Краснодар. Прогулки по улицам.

We spent several hours walking up and down Red St. (Krasnaya) both on the weekend and during the week. It’s great no matter when you go if you’re looking for cafes, restaurants, boutiques, entertainment. Weekends are probably better as the main part of Krasnaya (about a mile) in the business section is completely closed off to vehicular traffic. There are cafes and restaurants to every taste and a farmer’s market sets up with a wide variety of crafts and foods. In addition there is a lot of interesting architecture and there are several fountains and statue worth seeing. On top of all this there are a couple of really peaceful parks where you can just chill out from the crowd. At night the street is lit up with Christmassy over the street lighting and there always seems to be music playing, recorded and live. A wonderful walk for the whole family. I would recommend to walk in this street on a weekend and you would have an amazing experience. Filmed: Summer of 2021 Bestuzhevskie
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