The Crew Motorfest | New Gameplay Today

In this New Gameplay Today, your hosts, Wesley LeBlanc, Marcus Stewart, and Kyle Hilliard, discuss Ubisoft’s upcoming racing threequel, The Crew Motorfest. Wesley played roughly four hours of it during a recent remote preview event and he’s here to break down how he feels about the game so far. Enjoy! // S U B S C R I B E Don’t miss any of our video features or exclusive coverage! Subscribe to the channel: // FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | // READ GAME INFORMER MAGAZINE 1 Year Digital Subscription for $: 1 Year Physical Subscription for $: // M E R C H Show off your love for Game Informer – Stickers, phone cases, mugs, and t-shirts: #thecrewmotorfest #racinggames #pcgaming
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